In our Trust, each of our academies/schools has a Local Academy Council (LAC) to whom the Trust Board delegate certain roles on their behalf. The key function of the LAC is to collectively be the local 'eyes and ears' of the Trust at the school community level.

Our LACs are made up of staff, current parents and individuals with diverse experiences, skills and backgrounds, and who want the very best for our schools. These Councillors are the champions of our Trust at local level, providing a strong strategic foundation to our Trust’s governance. They act as a two-way conduit of information for the Trust Board and provide invaluable triangulation of what is happening in our academies through regular meetings and visits.

Our formal LAC meetings take place three times a year, generally on Mondays to Wednesdays at 5.00pm. There is an expectation Councillors will also attend our Trust wide networking learning events, undertake online training and participate in LAC ‘curiosity’ visits. These ‘curiosity’ visits to the academy are important to ensure Councillors get a feel for the day-to-day life of the school and to increase their knowledge and understanding of key issues. This enables Councillors to be informed in their strategic challenge and support of school leaders and the work they are striving to deliver in our academies. Ideally, representatives from the LAC visit their academy termly with each Councillor committing to at least one visit during the school year.

The LACs are currently delegated oversight for community presence, staff and student wellbeing and family engagement. The LAC should also be aware of, understand and advocate for, the school’s progress on school improvement priorities. In addition, Councillors may be required to attend panels, such as pupil discipline and complaints as appropriate. Finance, school improvement, estate management, health and safety and staffing are currently the direct responsibility of the Trust. Overall accountability for holding Academy leaders to account lies with the Trust’s executive team, with LACs providing strategic insight as appropriate.

Councillors may be appointed by the Trust onto the board, and we are always keen to appoint more people who exemplify our values and vision for our academies. If you would like to be involved in helping our students and staff to continue to flourish and would like more information please get in touch by emailing our Governance Professional, Catherine White at c.white@endeavourlearning.org or complete the application form link. Applicants do not need to be current parents at the school, so please feel free to share this information with anyone you may feel might be interested in joining us.


If you want further information on the individual Local Academy Councils the links to their webpages can be found below:

Brindle Gregson Lane

Burscough Priory Academy

Churchtown Primary School

Linaker Primary School

Northbrook Primary School

Ormskirk School

Tarleton Academy 

Wellfield Academy 

LAC Supporting Documentation


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