The Trust governance is based on a system of Members, Trustees and Local Academy Councils. The Memorandum and Articles of the Trust and the schemes of delegation outline the responsibilities devolved to the Trustees and Local Academy Councils to address and reflect the local and particular priorities of the Academies in the Trust.


Members have an overarching responsibility for the viability and performance of the Academy Trust through the appointment of some Trustees, receiving of the annual accounts and appointing auditors. They have the power to amend the Articles of Association that govern the way the Trust is constituted and managed. Currently there are 3 Members of the Trust.


Trustees are responsible for the strategic direction, broad policy framework and oversight of the Trust and all its academies. They take decisions that are in the best interests of the MAT as a whole and are not representative of any one of the constituent academies. The Trustees are also Directors of the Academy which is a company limited by guarantee and registered as such at Companies House. Currently there are 8 Trustees.

Local Academy Councils

Our Local Academy Councils support and critically appraise the quality of the work of the Academy leadership in meeting the overall aims of the Trust, particularly in ensuring our students and staff are given every opportunity to thrive and achieve their best. Acting as the Trust Board’s representatives in the school community, our volunteer Councillors are local stakeholders working collectively to ensure the Trust’s and the Academy’s vision and values are reflected in their oversight of school improvement priorities.



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