Subject / Phase Biology 

SCITT Year 2021 / 2022

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I was inspired to become a teacher from my experience working in schools as a science mentor and as a teaching assistant. My own science teacher at secondary school was the person who inspired me to pursue science into further education.

Why did you choose Endeavour for your teacher training? 

I chose the SCITT course as I really liked that you were put into a school straight away and got the hands-on experience right from the start of September. I also chose the SCITT as there is a small cohort so there is more personalised support for you on this course. 

What was the best thing about the programme? 

All the lovely people that have helped me through the course. From Roger and Pam to the mentors in schools and all the guest speakers that have come in and gave us all the teaching expertise we need.

What impact has the SCITT had on your career as a teacher? 

The SCITT course has meant that I have gained experience in working in two contrasting schools which has developed my teaching skills and prepared me for my first teaching job in September.

Describe your time on the SCITT in three words 

Amazing, informative, rewarding.

What advice would you give to prospective trainee teachers? 

Do you research and don’t he afraid to ask plenty of questions to Roger and Pam, as well as current and past trainees. Your fellow SCITT trainees will be a vital support system throughout the year so make sure you use them. Above all else, enjoy your teacher training year!

Anything else you would like to say about your time with Endeavour Learning SCITT? 

It has been tough but amazing and rewarding and I cannot wait to start teaching in September! 

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