Northbrook Nursery Consulatation Letter
Over Summer 2024 Northbrook made a significant investment into the development of other Early Years area in school which means that children joining the school in reception have access to exceptional facilities. The letter above outlines Northbrook Primary Academy’s proposal to open a Nursery provision within the school, which represents their next significant investment to ensure that children within the community have access to the highest quality early years provision.
Please read through the letter above for full details including FAQ about the consultation.
Register Your Interest
This is an exciting time for Northbrook Primary Academy, and we are determined to ensure that our provision is designed to meet the needs of the local community. With that in mind, we would like to invite anybody who may be interested in their children attending nursery provision from September 2025 to complete the following form:
Registering your interest will allow us to get a better understanding of how parents would like/need this provision to be delivered so we can tailor our offer to the needs of our community. Please note that the form is to express your interest only and there will be no commitment from you to take up a place in the Nursery at this time. If you have any difficulty in completing this form online, please feel free to visit our school office where one of our colleagues will be happy to support.
Please ensure you return your registration of interest form by 5.00pm on Friday 29th November 2024.
Northbrook Primary Academy will making an application to the Department for Education to open a nursery provision, expanding the age range of the school to enable us to offer places in the nursery to children from either age 3, or age 2, depending on the levels of demand which we will assess through the registration of interest form. This proposal is subject to formal consultation with all stakeholders, and the outcomes of the consultation will be considered by Endeavour Learning Trust and the Department for Education before any final decisions are made.
As set out, the key elements of our proposal are to:
• Open a new nursery provision from September 2025
• Extend the age range of the school (which is currently from ages 4 to 11) to be either ages 3 to 11 or 2 to 11, depending on the levels of demand reflected in our registration of interest, from September 2025.
Stakeholders who do not wish to register their interest in attending the nursery, but would otherwise like to respond to the consultation are invited to submit their response to enquiries@endeavourlearning.org by 5.00pm on Friday 29th November 2024.